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Maintaining the standards
Our mission is to let the people know actual facts, so they can decide better options for them. Pre-employment medical examination for Gulf (Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE (Dubai), Yamen) seems to be very difficult process, we let them know its all easy steps. Knowing things makes everything easy.
Spread information so every knows everything about pre-employment medical examination, and medical appointment.
- Responsibility
- Perfect Support, Assistance, Guidance,
- Quality,
- Relationship
- Care, Help.
Why Choose Us
gamca islamabad, online medical slip help and consultancy, We can provide the best services.
Ask online or visit the office.
because we take responsibility of all mistake in the slip, and provide you with the best possible solutions.
Low Cost
An online appointment is a good solution to low cost, prefer GAMCA online booking to cut the cost.
Have queries?
Contact us for any queries any time. 03125818744
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Office 16, Victory Tower, F-8 Markaz, Islamabad Kachehri, Islamabad. 4422
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Avail our services for GAMCA Medical Appointment Slip and Consultancy. Here you can have the best guidance for Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Yemen.